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Informing the Paris Climate Conference (COP21)

Principal Investigator: Jessika Trancik

Professor Trancik produced a report addressing the impact of international energy commitments on renewable energy markets and their implications for emissions reductions ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21). The IPL assisted in preparing the report and in outreach to White House staff and international climate negotiators at the State Department

IPL Support: The IPL assisted in preparing a public comment based on the research, producing a policy brief, and in outreach to policymakers and regulators. This included arranging meetings with staff at the Department of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Congressional offices, and at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

IPL Supported Products: Technology improvement and emissions reductions as mutually reinforcing efforts: Observations from the global development of solar and wind energy, 2015 [PolicyBrief]